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Cheers to a fun and sustainable family vacations

Sustainability 10/03/2022
a woman in a bikini is sitting on the back of a boat in the ocean .
The long-awaited vacations are just around the corner! We can almost feel the moments to disconnect, rest, and have lots of family fun at the beach. But that doesn't mean that we should neglect during a trip the good habits we have at home to live in a sustainable world. The world is changing day by day and at an increasing speed. it's time for all of us to collaborate to find the balance between economic growth, environmental care, and social welfare.
To make our vacations more sustainable and respectful, these tips can be your guide to enjoy with your family, because sustainability takes no vacation.
Being conscious of what we wear
We know that it is very important to take care of our skin and of our loved ones, but if possible, we recommend using eco-friendly sunscreen that does not contain chemical substances that pollute the marine ecosystem.
Garbage goes in its place
It sounds obvious, but the basic principle to maintain environmental balance is to avoid modifying the environment you visit and that means not littering. Always use the appropriate containers for each type of waste.
Always take precautions
There are still areas where it may be difficult to find a trash can, but don't let that stop you. Just carry a disposable bag with you to collect the garbage you generate along the route and when possible, you can dispose of it in a suitable deposit.
We are all one
It is very important to avoid pulling up plants or grabbing small animals that you find during your stay, as each species has a particular function in the ecosystem, so it is best to learn to enjoy them in their habitat.
Let's get moving!
If possible, walk or rent a bicycle as much as possible. It is important to support and try to reduce your carbon footprint, and at the very least, give the planet a break while you enjoy your vacation.
Support local businesses
By consuming what is produced in the place you visit, you are contributing to the functioning of the local economy, which reduces the consumption of fuels used to transport products from different parts of the country.
And that's how easy it is to take care of the planet while on vacation! At Park Royal Hotels & Resorts, we believe it is important to educate ourselves as a community about caring for the environment, especially during vacations when there is the greatest risk of endangering it. That is why we take small actions, day by day to improve as a chain and protect our mother Earth.
No matter which is your favorite destination to enjoy with your family, you have to respect all of them equally, because remember that by taking care of our present, we will have a more sustainable future.
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