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Royal Planet: muuch kaab community

Sustainability 13/01/2022
a woman in a purple top is holding a bowl
In recent years we have heard talk more frequently about sustainability, about organic products, free of animal cruelty and beyond all, focused on preserving the environment.

The reasons are diverse; many people think that it is merely a trend, which as time passes, will fade out until been erased from societal thought.

The truth is that at Park Royal Hotels & Resorts, we endorse our commitment through the use of these organic products, to act in terms of sustainability and guarantee a future for all the inhabitants of our planet.

One of these initiatives is led by a community composed of women dedicated to the preservation of the melipona bee and at the same time, this community is responsible for providing our hotel chain with amenities for our guests, such as hand soap, body cream, and shampoo, made under a 100% artisan process.

This community is called Muuch Kaab and their hard work makes us really proud.

The Muuch Kaab community is one of our main allies and its invaluable work is part of the actions and initiatives that we support and promote at Park Royal Hotels & Resorts because together, we serve 3 main aspects that concern us as a hotel chain:

Support to local communities
Reduction of environmental impact
Use of natural products beneficial to humans
Do you want to know more? Keep reading and learn more about these products that are part of a pleasant stay at Park Royal Hotels & Resorts.

What are melipona bees?

Melipona bees are an endemic species of Yucatan, which does not have a sting or poison. Another of their peculiarities is that the honey they produce has healing properties valued within the alternative medication world.
For example, in the treatment of minor wounds, its honey is an excellent skin regenerator.

It takes one year for a hive of melipona bees to produce an average of 1.5 l of honey, which means, that this product is nutrient-rich, and its origin is exclusive.

What properties does melipona honey have?

As we mentioned previously, in addition to being an excellent skin regenerator, melipona honey has other benefits that we list below:

* Strengthens the immune system
* Decongests the respiratory tract
* It has high amounts of antioxidants
* Is often used as a natural alternative to treat anemia
* It is an excellent auxiliary to attenuate spots on the skin
What are the benefits of using the amenities made by the Muuch Kaab community?

All of them! When you choose to stay at Park Royal Hotels & Resorts, you are directly collaborating to preserve the melipona bee, which is endangered.

In addition, the producers of the Muuch Kaab community maintain their income thanks to this noble artisan work and if that is not enough, you will take advantage of all the melipona honey benefits for your health.

Finally, and as an additional benefit, our amenities save water, because they are easy to rinse, do not irritate the skin like some soaps with high content of fragrances and chemicals, and in addition, they are not corrosive to the pipes.

Now that you know it, we invite you to consciously decide your next stay, taking into account that the world that we take care of today will be the future that we will inherit from our children.

Royal Planet by Park Royal Hotels & Resorts
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