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Theme nights at Veranda

Gastronomy 09/07/2022
a table topped with a variety of mexican food and drinks .
Mexico is a country filled with diverse ecosystems throughout its four cardinal points. UNESCO declared this country owner of one of the most worldwide recognized gastronomies as an Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
Although each region of the country has ingredients and specialties that make locals and foreigners fall in love, it is a fact that Oaxacan cuisine has a unique talent to remain in the memory of all those who delight in its flavors and typical ingredients.
At Park Royal Beach Huatulco, aware of the huge gastronomic diversity that we have to offer, we would like to briefly describe the main ingredients and meals that you will find in our resort, all of which are prepared with the passion that characterizes our staff. Keep reading, because the silverware is set on the table to begin the delight.
Heart-warming beverages
Water chocolate
In ancient times for the Aztecs, chocolate was a divine drink and cocoa was a currency to facilitate trade. Although it may seem strange to many people, chocolate in Oaxaca is prepared with water and not with milk as in European countries and the United States. In this destination it is very common to drink chocolate at breakfast and dinner.
Pluma Coffee
With an exquisite flavor, accentuated acidity, excellent aroma, and light body, Oaxacan Pluma coffee is one of the favorite beverages to start a day exploring this popular destination. This coffee is elaborated in a town called Pluma Hidalgo, located about 40 minutes from Park Royal Beach Huatulco.
Mezcal is made from the stalk of the agave plant. Once the plant reaches maturity (which takes between 6 and 8 years), the plant is harvested, and the leaves are cut off leaving only the heart (also known as piña) which is cooked and then ground. The elaboration process for this beverage consists of 5 steps: cutting the agave, cooking the "piña", grinding, fermentation and distillation.
7 special moles
Made from pepita, with a variety of chiles and many other ingredients, including chocolate, mole is one of the most valued meals in Mexico. The ritual of making a good mole is undoubtedly one of the main attractions in Oaxaca that no one can miss. Among the main varieties, you will find are black, yellow, coloradito, green, chichilo, and red mole. Discover them all!
Antojitos for all tastes
Another of the classic Oaxacan snacks are called "garnachas", which are prepared with tortillas in different presentations, with a seat of beans, cabbage or lettuce, cream, a touch of sauce and battered in oil to give them a golden and crunchy texture that makes anyone finger-licking. Tlayudas with tasajo, chapulines, tamales, buñuelos among other delicacies is a little of what you can find at Park Royal Beach Huatulco in the Veranda restaurant that offers breakfast from 7:00 am to 11:30 am, lunch from 1:00 pm to 5:30 pm and dinner from 7:00 pm to 10:30 pm.
On Tuesdays, we offer an Oaxacan dinner with a show. The most requested dish by all those who visit this resort is the tasajo tlayudas, versatile for everyone's taste buds who like to discover new flavors.
At Park Royal Beach Huatulco, the table is set, and we are waiting to welcome you with the characteristic flavor of Oaxacan delicacies.
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