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Bees, and experiences to care for the environment Royal Planet shares

Sustainability 22/05/2024
a bee is flying over a purple flower
When in 2021 we established Royal Planet, our sustainability pillar at Park Royal Hotels & Resorts, we were clear that part of our goal would be to enhance our guests' experience by offering them amenities and activities focused on environmental conservation, fair trade and other benefits that have been gradually added to this pillar.

Another of the reasons why we started this ambitious project was due to the appeal of the United Nations which in 2015, when presenting the objectives of the 2030 agenda , named 17 different goals to be achieved in a period of 15 years.

What are the 17 United Nations goals in its 2030 agenda?

  1. End of poverty

  2. Zero hunger

  3. Health and welfare

  4. Quality education

  5. Gender equality

  6. Clean water and sanitation

  7. Affordable and clean energy

  8. Decent work and economic growth

  9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure

  10. Reducing inequalities

  11. Sustainable cities and communities

  12. Responsible production and consumption

  13. Climate action

  14. Underwater life

  15. Life of terrestrial ecosystems

  16. Peace, justice and strong institutions

  17. Partnerships to achieve the goals

During the time that Royal Planet has operated within our hotels under the goals of the 2030 agenda we have managed working and consolidating concrete actions. An example of these actions is related to points 11 and 12, concerning support for sustainable communities, responsible production and consumption, respectively.

This has been possible thanks to the work and conservation of the melipona bee by the Muuch Kaab community and Park Royal Hotels & Resorts, but do you know why bees are so important to the world?

Read on to learn more.

Why are bees so important to the world?

  1. Because of their pollination process

    Bees are key pollinators for many plants, including many food crops. Without bees, many plants would not be able to reproduce, which would lead to a significant decrease in food production.
  2. For their contribution to human nutrition

    A large number of agricultural crops depend on bee pollination to produce fruits, vegetables and nuts. This has a direct impact on food security and the availability of food For people around the world
  3. For their economical role

    Pollination by bees has significant economic value. Furthermore, the production of honey, wax and other bee products generates income for local communities too.
  4. For their contribution to the ecological balance

    Bees are part of food chains. Their disappearance or decrease could have domino effects on ecosystems affecting other animal and plant species.

Which actions does Park Royal Hotels & Resorts take to conserve bees and the planet?

If you have stayed at our hotels in Mexico you may remember the small amenity bottles containing shampoo, conditioner, and body lotion, well, since 2023, this practice is behind as we replaced these bottles, made of single-use plastic, with dispensers!

But the only thing we did not replace were the high quality products made by the Mayan women's community Muuch Kaab, who as we mentioned before, elaborate their products from melipona bee honey, thanks to which the benefit occurs on both sides; they maintain the self-management of their communities , while we by acquiring their products, spoil our guests with the organic benefits of the honey.

On the other hand, and talking about improvements in your experience when arriving to your room at Grand Park Royal Cancun, Grand Park Royal Puerto Vallarta, Grand Park Royal Cozumel or Park Royal Beach Cancun, you will find 2 reusable thermos flasks that you can refill as many times as you want in the different water stations we have set up, which helps the planet to stop the massive production of water bottles.

When it comes to entertainment, our actions are not far behind, since our offer in this area has evolved.

A perfect example of this is what will happen during the next ECODAY, (June 5, 2024), in the different hotels of our chain. at Park Royal Beach Huatulco we will organize an eco-tour, in which we will visit a mangrove swamp where we will talk about its importance for the ecosystems and its conservation, while at Grand Park Royal Puerto Vallarta, we will carry out a small reforestation campaign with all those guests interested in environmental care. At Grand Park Royal Cozumel, we will make an incredible dream catcher made from recycled material.

If, like us, you are also committed to the planet, we invite you to get to know us and give us the opportunity to participate with you in all these small events. Our consumption decisions impact the planet. Let's live responsibly and coexist together in harmony.
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